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First Section. Main Provisions

Chapter 8. Local self-Government

Article 130

1. Local self-government in the Russian Federation shall ensure the independent solution by the population of the issues of local importance, of possession, use and disposal of municipal property.

2. Local self-government shall be exercised by citizens through a referendum, election, other forms of direct expression of the will of the people, through elected and other bodies of local self-government.

Article 131

1. Local self-government shall be administered in urban and rural settlements and in other areas with the consideration of the historical and other local traditions. The structure of local self-government bodies shall be determined by the population independently.

2. Changes in borders of the areas in which local self-government is administered shall be made with the consideration of the opinion of the population of the corresponding areas.

Article 132

1. The local self-government bodies shall independently manage municipal property, form, adopt and implement the local budgets, introduce local taxes and dues, ensure the protection of public order, and also solve other issues of local importance.

2. The local self-government bodies may be vested by law with certain state powers and receive the necessary material and financial resources for their implementation. The implementation of the delegated powers shall be controlled by the State.

Article 133

Local self-government in the Russian Federation shall be guaranteed by the right for judicial protection, for a compensation for additional expenses emerging as a result of decisions adopted by state authority bodies, by a ban on the limitations on the rights of local self-government fixed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal laws.

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